Project Description
Quinn Architects was commissioned to design a new Primary Care Centre for a site on the outskirts of Carrigaline. The Centre is a part three/part four storey building of 3,540 sq.m. located on a gently sloping site and includes parking for circa 160 cars with safe set-down and collection adjacent to the Main Entrance. Quinn Architects assisted with development of the Client Brief undertaking extensive consultations with both the G.P.s and the HSE as well as engagement with Statutory agencies to ensure successful implementation of the works.The building is an economically designed building that focuses on natural light and colour to animate the internal spaces which are organised around a circulation core with feature staircase and lifts. The Building has an A3 Energy Rating.
- Client: Axis Group
- Location: Carrigaline, Co. Cork
- Size: 3,540 sq.m
- Value: €5.0 million
- Status: Completed 2017